southern boundaries
This mural was commissioned in the summer of 2017 by the city of Durham, NC in order to attract park-goers and which would represent the community of Durham’s diversity and public spaces. Before designing the mural, Julia Gartrell (co-muralist) and I asked park visitors to write down their ideas in chalk on the wall that would soon become the mural. We then held two public photo shoots with local residents to obtain real citizens’ silhouettes in action. After the photographs were taken, I created a design that overlapped the silhouettes in deep hues. Then, over the course of 3 weeks, we completed the permanent mural now up at Southern Boundaries Park in Durham.
Request painted on the mural-site wall, inviting park-goes to chalk-in their ideas.
Creating silhouettes of real people— spot him below in green.
Request painted on the mural-site wall, inviting park-goes to chalk-in their ideas.
Mural design, featuring all the silhouetted images from our photo shoots (Side 1)
Mural design, featuring all the silhouetted images from our photo shoots (Side 2)